Sunday, August 5, 2012


We had a lesson on adversity in Relief Society given by a sweet sister who I love to be around because I can just feel the warmth of her spirit. Throughout the lesson and all day today I've been able to reflect on the subject, and my testimony continues to grow on how our trials are truly blessings. Not only blessings to ourselves, but to others. I have tried to make a habit of keeping a record of all the blessings that come from my trials, at least the bigger ones. It's amazing to see the way the Lord works in our lives. One of the most amazing things I have seen the Lord do through trials is to teach people how to support and uplift each other. We all have our own trials, and no two people go through the exact same struggle. However, we are given similar experiences to help each other learn and grow from them. Once I had gotten over the grief and pain of the sexual abuse I endured as a child, I learned through the Spirit that one of the reasons I had that trial and experience is to help others cope with similar trials. Since then I can't even count how many sisters, young and old, I've been able to talk to and share my experience with. My testimony has grown exponentially since then, in ways I can't describe. The sister that taught today had shared that her son had taken his own life many years ago. She had mentioned it in Sunday school briefly, but then discussed it more in depth during Relief Society. I know that one reason she had to suffer that trial is so that almost 30 years later she could share the experience in my presence and help me come to terms with emotional struggles I've had since my brother took his life 11-1/2 years ago. It has always seemed taboo to discuss suicide in the Church for one reason or another. It was like a breath of fresh air that she was willing to openly discuss what she went through in a wonderful attitude of reverence that helped me to feel the Spirit of the Lord so strongly. I am eternally grateful for a Heavenly Father who's knowledge of us is perfect. Who's knowledge of circumstances surrounding all of our choices is perfect so that we can be judged perfectly. I am thankful for those that have learned to see the blessings that trials bring and that have taught me to do the same. I truly am thankful for my trials.

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